A repository of my thoughts, opinions, ideas, useless bits of trivia, cool things I find on the internet and what ever else pops out of my head and onto my keyboard.
Apologies in advance...
If you believe everything they say on TV, then the world we live in today is becoming increasingly dangerous. Suicide bombers hide around every corner and the only thing your likely to get for Christmas is an Ice Age.
Hopefully we will all live happy and peaceful lives, but just in case check out the UK and US governments advice on what to do when things do go wrong via the links below.
Or if you're stuck with one line of a song and are tired of just DE-DUM-DE-DUMing through the rest of the song, visit the site below and find out all the lyrics:
I recently bought a digital camera, the very capable and easy to use Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P72.
The main reason for buying it was to record my trip to America later this year (more on this to come). To help justify the expense (a very reasonable £150 for a camera with 3.2 MegaPixels and a 3x optical zoom) I decided I should try do some creative projects with the camera.
I've always had a passing interest in architecture, so I decided to photograph some of my favourite places and the interesting buildings in and around Manchester. Below is a link to my online album of these photos, take a look and I hope you like them.
I keep looking, looking in a sea of faces. In a crowded room and along a quiet street. Searching by day, searching by night. Out of the corner of my eye and in the reflection of a windowpane. Ever vigilant and ever anticipant. Looking for the face of love.