There will be a 3-week break in transmission while I go on a trip to America for my 30th birthday. You can follow my travels at my holiday Blog:
My 2 Grand Adventure
While I'm away I'll leave you in the hands of some of fellow Bloggers and regular Internet haunts. As you may (or may not) have noticed I've expanded on the links on the right-hand side of the page. Here's the low-down on what's recommended:
Bri's MaxPower Blog - My friend's Blog, to be honest I'll be very surprised if he updates it before I get back...
Cinema 24 - A couple in America who are setting up their own Art House cinema. Very detailed Blog and fascinating for fellow movie buffs.
Die Puny Humans - The personal Blog for Warren Ellis, one of my favourite comicbook writers. Be warned though, Mr Ellis has some 'unique' tastes.
Wil Wheaton dot Net - Also known as Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation fame. It turns out there is more to him than the uniformed space nerd, he's actual a poker playing, super-Blogging, celebrity Geek.
BBC News Magazine - The homepage for BBC news online.
Dork Tower - Comic strip from John Kovalik, it covers all the important stuff like, Star Wars, roleplay and computer games. Updated thrice weekly.
Empire Online - The web page for the Empire Film Magazine. Daily news, weekly features and all the latest movie reviews.
Metro Cafe - The web page for the best daily newspaper in the world (because it's free!) the Metro. Be sure to check out the 60-Second Interview archive.
Off The Mark - Topical cartoons, updated daily.
Word of the Day -'s word of the day, go and learn some new works to befuddle your friends with...
See you when I get back,
Friday, 15 October 2004
Monday, 11 October 2004
The Death of Superman
We interrupt the regular happy posting to bring you some sad news:
Christopher Reeve Dies at 52
He played a hero in film and was a hero in real life; R.I.P.

Tribute image by Scott Kurtz
Support his memory by making a donation to his paralysis research foundation.
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
Christopher Reeve Dies at 52
He played a hero in film and was a hero in real life; R.I.P.

Tribute image by Scott Kurtz
Support his memory by making a donation to his paralysis research foundation.
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
Sunday, 10 October 2004
I heard a song today,
I’d heard it before she went away.
It had words it didn’t have before,
Now she won’t be around anymore.
Now I understand what they say
And hear the song everyday.
I’d heard it before she went away.
It had words it didn’t have before,
Now she won’t be around anymore.
Now I understand what they say
And hear the song everyday.
Friday, 8 October 2004
Pop Goes the Weasel

A half a pound of tupenny rice,
A half a pound of treacle...
All without leaving the comfort of your PC:
A Quarter Of...
Deeply Dippy
Some people think a lot,
some people think very little
and some people just think wrong...
Jack Handy is one of those people and these are some of his thoughts:
Deep Thoughts
some people think very little
and some people just think wrong...
Jack Handy is one of those people and these are some of his thoughts:
Deep Thoughts
Wednesday, 6 October 2004
The future is here, the future is Virgin!

SpaceShipOne has successfully won the Ansai $10m X-Prize, by reaching high orbit twice within a week. So start saving up for your Virgin Space ticket, you'll need £100k by the time the first one takes-off in 2007.
SpaceShipOne rockets to success
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