Friday, 20 May 2005

Red Hot Fruit and Veg

The Vegetarian Society have chosen an unique and rather saucy way of promoting National Vegetarian Week; they have made a fruit and Veg porno. No really. Take a look for yourself via the link below - but only if you are over 18 of course.

Rude Food Movie

You will never look at a pea pod the same way again.

Friday, 13 May 2005

GIANT Monopoly!

From BBC News.

Excellent! And probably a better idea than life-size Cluedo, that could be dangerous.

Monday, 9 May 2005

Batman: New Times

OH MAN! Dave's School is a computer animation school in Orlando, Florida. Each year the students complete a number of projects to practice and promote their skills. One of their 2004 porjects was a short Batman film in a animated LEGO style and it features the voices of Adam West, Mark Hamill and Dick Van Dike! Go and view it at the link below. NOW!

Dave's School - Batman: New Times

It's 10x better than Carry On Caped Crusader cack.

Fingers crossed for Batman Begins. Xm

Lorem Ipsun, don't you know ...

Ever wondered what that filler text is they use on faux newspapers, the stuff that looks real but makes no sense? Well, it's called Lorem Ipsun. Visit the link below to learn more.

Hey, maybe I can use it to create more regular posts ... hmm.