Wednesday, 16 May 2007

To blog, or not to blog ... 2

I admit it; I'm suffering from Blog Depression.

There are two main reasons for this:

1st - I am easily bored. I'm a fast learner, so once I got the hand of the basics of creating and running a blog the novelty had worn off. So I started tinkering, one of my favourite pass-times and biggest flaws - tinkerers rarely finish anything. Which was fine until I reached the limit of my technical know-how.

2nd - I'm a always trying to create something that's one step beyond what I can practically achieve. When I envision things in my mind, and believe me when I say I put far too much though into most things, they they reach a level idealism that when I actually start to make them I an immediately disappointed.

So when I these two characteristics with the real-life practicalities and the fact that no-one was reading the blog - not even I find playing to an empty house that interesting - I gave up.

So a few random posts and year-or-so later and here we are.

So why start again?

To be continued...