There will be a 3-week break in transmission while I go on a trip to America for my 30th birthday. You can follow my travels at my holiday Blog:
My 2 Grand AdventureWhile I'm away I'll leave you in the hands of some of fellow Bloggers and regular Internet haunts. As you may (
or may not) have noticed I've expanded on the links on the right-hand side of the page. Here's the low-down on what's recommended:
Blogs:Bri's MaxPower Blog - My friend's Blog, to be honest I'll be very surprised if he updates it before I get back...
Cinema 24 - A couple in America who are setting up their own Art House cinema. Very detailed Blog and fascinating for fellow movie buffs.
Die Puny Humans - The personal Blog for Warren Ellis, one of my favourite comicbook writers. Be warned though, Mr Ellis has some '
unique' tastes.
Wil Wheaton dot Net - Also known as Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation fame. It turns out there is more to him than the uniformed space nerd, he's actual a poker playing, super-Blogging, celebrity Geek.
Dailies:BBC News Magazine - The homepage for BBC news online.
Dork Tower - Comic strip from John Kovalik, it covers all the important stuff like, Star Wars, roleplay and computer games. Updated thrice weekly.
Empire Online - The web page for the Empire Film Magazine. Daily news, weekly features and all the latest movie reviews.
Metro Cafe - The web page for the best daily newspaper in the world (
because it's free!) the Metro. Be sure to check out the 60-Second Interview archive.
Off The Mark - Topical cartoons, updated daily.
Word of the Day -'s word of the day, go and learn some new works to befuddle your friends with...
See you when I get back,