A repository of my thoughts, opinions, ideas, useless bits of trivia, cool things I find on the internet and what ever else pops out of my head and onto my keyboard.
Apologies in advance...
It rained perfectly. The tears of Heaven hiding my mortal own. Nobody saw my sad face as they hung theirs. Not so easily could I avoid my own sad rain. Its rivulets carving scars on my face that may never heal.
Do you like getting more for your money than you expected? Do you like secrets?
If the answer is yes then give this a try.
Everyone knows that most DVDs come with extra features; commentary, documentary, bios, etc. But have you discovered everything your DVD has to offer? DVD Angle has a webpage containing a list of hidden extras on DVDs, also known as Easter Eggs.
So, go take a look at the list and check out your DVDs. If you find any hidden gold let everyone into the secret by leaving a comment bellow.
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All you do is click on the comments link at the bottom of any article and you can leave your feedback, comments and questions. You will need to register first, but don't worry its spam free.
Plus, once you've registered you can create your own Blog.
So, what are you waiting for? Get typing and let me know what you think.
My friend Brian took part in the Manchester Run this morning on behalf of Manchester Children's Hospital. His finish time was 1hour 9mins for the 6mile/10k course.
OK, so I don't know anything about art. Well about as much as I know about football or music, anyway. But I do know what I like. Recognize the picture below?
It's by an American artist called Edward Hopper. This is probably his most famous picture and has been parodied countless times. I was reading an article about him in the Sunday Times supplement a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I only bought it for the free gift.
The article talks about how his works is voyeuristic and focuses on isolation and depression, but I like it. It has a quiet quality, like those few hours after midnight when most of the world is asleep, and a simplicity that matches its period.
Did you know there are 15 towns called Manchester in the US? And they are all in the NE area. Odd. Maybe our ancestors were too lazy to travel any further?
There's even one in Pando, Bolivia!
So next time someone asks you where you're from, remember to be a little more specific.
Bruce Campbell ... Elvis ... and a rampaging Mummy!
Everyone knows that Elvis isn't really dead, but that might be about to change. Truth is he's spending his twilight years in a Texas retirement home. Trouble starts when an ancient Egyptian terror targets the home with its own personal brand of euthanasia. Elvis (Bruce Campbell) must team up with fellow resident Jack (Ossie Davis), who thinks he's JFK despite being a blackman, to kick some undead, bandaged ass!
Could this be the greatest film ever made? Probably not, but there's a good chance it will be a damn site more entertaining than Van Helsing or LoEG.