I've always has a thing for t-shirts. When I received the first wage for my 'before school job' as a kid, I spent the majority of it on t-shirts. Ashamedly, it was on WB character Ts.
I know ... sorry.More than just a piece of clothing; they are mobile works of art, social statements and public jokes. Now I buy funny Ts, Ts to reflect my interest and Ts to support the things that matter to me.
Over the past few months, I've even been dabbling with the idea of creating my own Ts.
More on this laterPreshrunk.info is a blog recommends cool Ts that you can get over t'internet and associated gossip. Well worth a look.
I've mentioned T-Shirt Humor.com in a
previous post. To which Dave Harty suggested
T-Shirt Hell.com. Nasty/funny Ts, with a capital NASTY. Not for the PC-centric.
Threadless.com is a cool site for Ts with an interesting twist. You can submit designs, which if they receive enough votes are printed and put on sale - you get a cool $500 for your troubles. So, surf over and pick your favorites.