Tuesday, 28 August 2007


In response to Warren Ellis's Bad Signal Confession:

I have been man-bag guy for many years, so many that I was that kid in school with a briefcase. OK that's a bit of a lie, I had a briefcase but didn't take it to school. What I did have was what can only be described as medium sized luggage. The thing was big enough to fit the entire classes books in and once over-balanced my considerable limited judo skills to get me a good kicking from some passing bullies. Contents:

* School books (backed in wallpaper).
* P.E. kit (in an attractive red-sock in with the whites shade of pink).
* Pencil case (full of random pens, pencil sharpener, protractor and coloured pencils with the colour names on them).
* Random sweet wrappers (empty).

That was, of course, when I had to carry what my Mum bought. For years after that, when I spent most of my time Roleplaying and had money in my pocket, it was a CAT record bag that hung from my shoulder. Contents:

* No records.
* RPG books (Feng Shui, Call of Cthulhu, Champions or Star Wars).
* Extra pencils, sharpener and a rubber.
* Many, many dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20s).
* An A4 writing pad (full of random campaign notes, tally-lists and calculations).
* An A5 note book (full of top secret campaign notes - well actually it was mostly empty, I never made notes).
* Comics (double bagged for protection).

These days it's a simple Gymsack (a horrible name). Light-weight and inconspicuous, if a little flimsy; I'm on my 2nd one now. Contains:

* A6 note pad & pen.
* Baseball cap; in-case it rains (currently Boston Red Socks).
* A draw-string plastic bag (to waterproof my stuff, these bags are very thin and I live in Manchester).
* The Metro (the best paper in the world).
* Whatever paperback I'm reading at the moment (right now - Around the World in Eighty Days).

Maybe I need to upgrade?

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