Saturday, 30 July 2005

DtRT: Do the Right Thing

This is my 100th blog post!

To mark the occasion, I thought I use the post to do something worthwhile...

As I mentioned in my I'm with the band post I've been trying to improve the way I interact with the world; trying to do my little part to make the world a better place.

The feeling that I needed to change/do something started as my 30th birthday loomed last year. The idea that I was going to be older, and therefore presumably more mature, evolved into me realising I should take more responsibility for the impact I have on the this world and for the legacy that I would leave behind.

So I started to change my attitudes and involvements with things like recycling, charity and the environment. Just little things at first, but like they say - "Every little helps".

Feel the same way?
Want to make a difference?

Here's where you can start:

  • First read The Rough Guide to a Better World; a very informative but easily read book. It's a good place to start and will teach you everything you need to known about world poverty, charities, fair trade and advocacy.

  • Then visit the we are what we do website and check out their list of the little things you can do everyday to change the world.

    I'll post more suggestions and more on this subject in the future (look for DtRT in the post title), but remember doing the right thing doesn't stop you having fun.
  • 1 comment:

    Karen said...

    Cool posting on your 30th birthday thoughts and activities. I followed the links. Thank you. And belated or not, happy birthday!