Monday, 11 July 2005

Threadless No More

I finally got my first t-shirt order from, I should have received it weeks ago but its been stuck at the post office. I am very happy with the quality, although they're not 100% cotton the weave is soft and they have a good shape, and the t-shirt name in the back is a nice touch.

I'll deffinately be ordering from them in the future.

My orders: Product - Vampire Orthodontics Product - Damn Scientists

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I forgot to mention more T vicar when I did my last t-shirt post. They have a large range, lots of designers and some realy nice Ts. I've not ordered anything yet but my resistance is failing...

Must ... not ... buy Batman t-shirt ... need money ... for ... food.

1 comment:

Mark Slattery said...

There's something to be said about having your design chosen rather than publishing it yourself. It's similar to having selling your novel to a publisher rather than using a vanity press.
I'll check out your site, thanks for the tip.